Re: jack vance mailing list

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Posted by Mike Berro on July 10, 1998 at 11:37:58:

In Reply to: jack vance mailing list posted by milt botwinick on July 10, 1998 at 09:55:27:

I just subscribed to this list, and I'll post my review of it here in a few days. It shows this list as "over 21 only", which seems odd, so it may be a scam. In any case, I will start a different one, a "restricted" list as soon as they allow new lists; a restricted list can only be posted to by people I allow to subscribe (unless someone else would rather do it; or a moderated version would be even better, if anyone has the time.)

This BBS is getting spammed daily now, and I really don't have the time to keep deleting the offending messages. I may either shut it down or let it go on unmoderated in a few weeks.


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