Posted by Tim on June 30, 1999 at 19:37:06:
Hi guys,
I've been reading this board at least about 4 years, I believe.
I enjoy many of the postings, and I've learnt a lot from many
people, even when I disagree with them.
HOWEVER there seems to be an annoying tendency for certain
people to start flame wars - or at least come close to it.
I would like to ask Mike Berro, as board admin., and all
readers, if they agree with me that perhaps one rule should be
introduced - and that is, any posting abusing any particular
person here should be immediately deleted as spam.
I write this because I, for example, am curently tempted to tell
one person on the board to grow up or get out in very strong
terms, and if I start, or anybody else does, where does it end? I think that if we allow abuse, it will eventually drive many
from this board - and it is about Vance, not political crusades,
not fan-clubs for particular former or present politicians, and
for God's sakes (though this one was funny), whether plane trips
are better in Europe or in the USA.
As Ronald Reagan once said, "Any person who agrees with me 80 %
of the time is not my enemy".
We can all agree we love Vance - let's make sure to keep abuse
out of it, shall we? And provide reasoned arguments - not simple
childish name-calling. Provocative postings yes, but politeness
Tim (very humble home-site: