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Had she
spells with
I know not!
Mazirian caused the
creature to revolve
at ever greater speed
Then die.
Mazarian continued down the
steep trail along the river
Derna. Presently, an evil
odor came to the air, a
stink of putrescence
and filth...
...The lair of Thrang the
ghoul-bear was near.
In the air was the feel of
Magic-strong brutal sorcery!
His own subtle spells might
not contain.
The sound of voices reached
him; The throaty tones of
Thrang and gasping cries
of terror.
Mazirian stepped around
a shoulder of rock-
-and so came upon the lair
of Thrang.
The woman was holding Thrang's
great sweating body away with
amazing dexterity. Magic!
Mazarian thought.
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