Vance Museum - Miscellany - Comic Book

Welcome to an original comic created by Steve Smith

The Dying Earth
Chapter Two: Mazarian The Magician

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Some of the images on the following pages are quite large (638x819 200K), but I felt a reduced size would not do justice to the wonderful artwork. Relax, listen to some of your favorite music, and enjoy. No warranties expressed or implied.

Some of the text may be a little difficult to read, so I have provided the text below each image. The first three pages were transcribed by me, the rest by the redoubtable Wil Ceron. Steve Smith's spelling of "Mazarian" has been left as he wrote it.

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Website contents copyright © 1997-2019 by Mike Berro. All rights reserved.
Artwork on this website may not be reproduced or copied without
explicit permission from Mike Berro or Steve Smith.