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I am. Tell me, how long has
it been since the girl passed?
Went she fast, slow, alone
or in company? Answer
and I give you meat at such
time as you desire.
Blind magician!
She has not left
the glade!
Will you die quickly or
slowly? Help me and I
kill you at once. Other-
wise you shall rise high
where the pelgrane fly!
May dark Thial spike
your eyes! May Kraan
hold your living brain
in acid!
Up then.
Ahh!! Down,
Mazarian! I
tell you what I
She passed along before
you came! I attacked
but she repelled me
with Thyle-dust!
She went to the end
of the glade
and took the trail
to the river, past
the lair of Thrang!
So she is lost, for
he will sate him-
self on her till
she dies.
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