Aquatic Pnume ??

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Posted by Ed Rafferty on April 19, 1997 at 05:58:32:

In "The Pnume " Adam Reith saves himself and Zap 210 from capture by a Pnume by pulling it into the water where it presumably sinks like a stone and is heard from no more. In fact in answer to a question from Reith , about whether Pnume can swim , Zap 210 replies in the negative.
Yet in " Servants of The Wankh " while Reith and his companions travel across the Draschade in the cog Vargaz a Pnume is spotted in mid-ocean . When information is sought from Anacho he confirms it as a Pnume and has a whimsical explanation for its presence so far from land.
Is this just forgetfulness on Vance's part? The Planet of Adventure has always been one of my favourite Vance works and this little point has intrigued me. I hope it hasn't been discussed to death earlier on this BBS.

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