Home Books
The Fox Valley Murders
Author's Copy
October 1969 |
The Man in the Cage
Review Copy
October 1969 |

The Dying Earth
Hewett A1a
New York: Hillman Periodicals, 1950, 175 p., paper. [collection]
Vance's first book, a collection of related stories originally rejected by Thrilling Wonder Stories.
The third image is an interesting note Vance wrote on the title page. |
Vandals of the Void
Hewett A3ab
Philadelphia: The John C. Winston Company, 1953, 213 p., cloth. [juvenile novel]
This copy has been bound in buckram, a durable but ugly material often used in lending libraries.
The DJ design has been printed on the cover. According to Hewett, and as usual with library bound books,
this edition was not issued with a dust jacket. |
Vandals of the Void
Hewett A3d
Vrijbuiters in het Heelal Born: Verkenner, 1955, 192 p., paper. [Dutch]
This is the first Dutch edition of Vandals of the Void, specially printed for the Dutch
Boy Scouts (Junior Jongensboek #51). It is a very small paperback. The cover art is by
Rein van Looy. |
A Room To Die In
UK: Kinnell 1987.
One of two uncorrected proofs of the first hardcover edition. |
Bagful of Dreams / The Seventeen Virgins
PA: Underwood-Miller.
These chapbooks were issued in a limited edition of 400 copies each,
and later 111 copies were bound together in a signed hardcover edition.
These two copies were previously owned by Roger Zelazny.