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You would fare no
than I. I give
you freedom when I
know the synthesis
of your vat-things.
I myself will
pursue the
Midnight found the
magician in his study
poring through leather-
bound tomes and untidy
Mazirian made a
selection from
his books and
with great effort
forced five spells
upon his brain:
Phandaal's gyra-
tor, Felojun's
second hypnotic
spell, the exce-
llent prismatic
spray, the charm
of untiring nour-
ishment, and the
spell of the omni-
potent sphere.
This accomplished,
Mazirian retired
to his couch.
The following day,
when the sun hung
low, Mazarian went
to walk in his
After a short
wait, the
object of
his desire
Ho girl, you have
come again. Why
are you here of
evenings? Do you
admire the roses?
They are vividly
red because live
red blood flows
in their petals. If
today you do not
flee, I will make
you the gift of
Mazarian plucked a rose from the
shuddering bush and advanced
toward her. He had taken but
four steps when the woman
wheeled her mount and plunged
off through the trees.
Mazarian allowed full scope
to the living boots, and
he was off in full chase.
The magician in
his live boots
bounded with
great speed
through the
forest, yet the
black horse,
running with
no strain,
stayed easily
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