Maybe it helps to be Irish?

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Posted by Terry on April 12, 1999 at 10:43:37:

In Reply to: What was the fifth? posted by Drusilla on April 08, 1999 at 18:29:34:

Maybe it helps to be Irish?

My dear, it always helps to be Irish!

BTW - There is a Shea website somewhere and it is said that there is a new Nifft The Lean coming out soon. If you can't find the MacAvoy, try the ABE or bibliofind search engines and, like Alice's Restaurant, you can get anything you want. There are 53 matches on Macavoy and Damiano right now. Appear to be an omnibus version as well.

Also check the hard-to-find Barry Hughart "Master Li" series: think there are three of them. Nice mystery/fantasies set in antique Cathay.

Mike Berro mentioned them and they are well worth reading in the MacAvoy vein of fantasy not involving: apocalyses, all-powerful evil magicians commanding legions of fey creatures intent on the destruction of all good in everything, nor Arnold Schwartzeneger clone barbarian warriors clutching greatful princesses of mind boggling aspect, but subtler, more adult fiction.

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