Posted by Dean McMillan on March 24, 1999 at 23:23:39:
In Reply to: Re:Plots and Movies posted by Irina Liedtke on March 24, 1999 at 18:38:25:
Irina Liedtke wrote:
>"Of course it's amusing to ponder a JV coming to life before our very eyes, but lets face it, too often we are disappointed when a novel is brought to the screen. I would hold my breath through the whole thing, hoping it didn't taint any scenes that I am able to image so beautifully thanks to Vance's lyrical prose.
You do have a point.
Nor can a slideshow of prize paintings from Worldcon art shows help but point out how divergent our individual perceptions of favorite books can be. And yet this may be just where a film 'by committee' makes perfect sense.
I draw a blank for Glawen Clattuc. (But what about Marisa Tomei as Wayness Tamm?)
: When I read my first Jack Vance novel, Araminta Station, four years ago, my initial feeling was that someone should make it into a movie. I felt it had an intricate plot with many subtleties, and now am inclined to think that the entire Cadwal series would be great on screen. I am anxious to know who any of you Vance fans would cast for Glawen Clattuc. In regards to casting Arnold Schwarzenager in the role of Kirth Gersen, I vote nay. His accent would ruin every line, not to mention the fact that Gersen is described as spare. Sure Arnold is tough, he's the strong and silent type because his delivery of any significant line is RARELY taken seriously (ie: get your ass to Mars...) Gersen knows street fighting and martial arts, which Arnold seems too buff to pull off with any speed or finesse. I can see Gwyneth Paltrow as Suldren, but Leonard Nemoy as Cugel-besides his convincing hair-do, how old is the guy anyway? I think I can see Val Kilmer playing the part...
: Of course it's amusing to ponder a JV coming to life before our very eyes, but lets face it, too often we are disappointed when a novel is brought to the screen. I would hold my breath through the whole thing, hoping it didn't taint any scenes that I am able to image so beautifully thanks to Vance's lyrical prose.
: Irina