Posted by Dean McMillan on March 25, 1999 at 23:13:54:
In Reply to: Re:Plots/Movies posted by David Pierce on March 25, 1999 at 22:20:13:
Ouch, "the comittee" no less.
This must be a sign, p'raps my cue to withdraw. And before this withering cynicism we should abandon hope, all who would tread a golden road.
Nahhh, the Vance stories WILL be filmed, if not sooner, then later. (Let's just hope Jack is properly compensated.)
It only remains to learn what profit bound, B-grade auteur & company of heathens will "do the honors." Of course, we who treasure the work shall have to face the consequences of our inaction. But what of that?
: Ooh--ooh--Dave, I got it! We'll cast Vance movies pan- Twentieth Century, scouring the vast archives of the Akashic Record for the presences of whatever souls "the comittee" must requisition. For instance: Alan Ladd for Adam Reith and Sydney Greenstreet for Aila Woudiver! Ronald Coleman for Cugel the Clever, and Dweezil Zappa also for Cugel, in the obligatory flash-back scenes! Marie Dressler for Dame Waldrop and Christina Ricci for Gastel Etzwane! Jerry Reed for Eustace Chilke! And can you see this next one--Linda Tripp for Madame Zigonie! Oh the fun we'll have rumpling time and space to wrest from repose the voices and faces that make us remark: "Just so."