Posted by Jim on February 11, 1999 at 08:37:47:
I remember reading this JV book years ago, but recently reviewing my home library I can't find it (I thought I had everything by him). All I can remember is a section where a
person (a youthful royal?) was kidnapped and taken on a journey
aboard some wind-powered wagons. During the journey, the
protagonist performs some brainwashing activities using some
kind of hypnosis involving a spinning spiral wheel. That's all
I can remember aside from a nagging conviction that I really
enjoyed the book.
The other item I was hoping somebody could help me with: Years
ago I read a story in a collection, where clans lived underground and various types of worms were used for all kinds of purposes. I only remember a particularly horrifying passage where the youthful protagonist is banished to unexplored tunnels and as he is walking in the pitch blackness he steps in the decaying remains of a huge, deadly predator worm. Out of about a million sci-fi stories that were written since the mid-seventies, that one has stuck with me ever since. I realize there's little chance anybody else is familiar with this but I thought I'd give it a shot.