Posted by Willem on April 09, 1998 at 14:10:52:
In Reply to: Re: (spoiler!): About Ports of Call posted by Henri Gooren on April 09, 1998 at 01:55:17:
: : I hate to say it, but I find the book disappointing. (sorry ;)
: : Opinions anyone?
: : Menno
Vance was going through all his usual motions (cliches, Willem rightly said) CORRECTION that were Menno's words ------
of the pilgrims, the travel party, the femme fatale, the many colorful sunsets, the inns, the mysterious aliens, etc...
: Incidentally: Jack Vance is notorious for starting trilogies and tetralogies very strong, and getting progressively weaker in parts three and/or four (like in Planet of Adventure, Durdane, Cadwal). Could it be that in PoC we actually find the *reverse* situation: a somewhat weak `teaser' (Gene) being a prologue for one (or two? Mike: does it end with Lurulu?) strong sequel(s)? I really hope so! We'll have to wait two years to be sure.
: Henri
In general I agree except on the statement that Vance gets progressively weaker in part 3 or 4 in series.
Tschai #3 was the best of the 4 IMO
Durdane: #3 was not that bad at all
Cadwal was a serie with a lot of comments. Sales of part 3 were so low in Holland that it was only printed once compared to 3 printings of the other 2 volumes. I liked part 3 (need to reread it to be able to give specifics)
Devil princes: # 4 was the best?, well at least very good, difficult to choose between 1,2,and 4 .
Anyhow, Henri, I cannot support the theory that Vance is getting progressively weaker in a series. Maybe more arguments would be needed to demonstrate the theory?
for PoC i do hope it gets stronger! BTW the official publication date of PoC , stated by Meulenhoff was March 20, according to a the person, I talked to on the phone.