Re: Jack... we hardly know ye!

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Posted by Terry Doyle on February 04, 1998 at 06:57:34:

In Reply to: Jack... we hardly know ye! posted by Paul Martin on February 02, 1998 at 20:02:20:

Jack's address was published a few years ago in a compendium of 20th century SF authors as being, as I recall, in Oakland, CA. I doubt that he'd mind mindfull adulation from the keepers of the flame. I see no good reason for his reticence on communication with the faithful, however. He may well write like an angel, but we buy and buy again out of love for his work.

In fact I have trouble believing that no one in the Vance immediate family are not at least reading what's written here at least occasionally. If I do say so, the quality of writing here is a step or two above that of the unwashed hoards whose comments generally run to "Aw yer muther sucks army socks if ya thinck that!!!!". So we have quality as well as interest working in our favor for a response and are unjustly served by diffidence (a word I learned by reading Vance).

C'mon Jack! Norma! Admit it, you do at least read these postings and 5 minutes a month for a hihowareya would be roundly appreciated. I'm sure Mike would cart the bits encoding the message off to the archives for future Vance fans to read and reread forever.

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