How's this for an alternative ending to "Planet of Adventure"

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Posted by Peter R Booth on March 10, 1997 at 09:14:05:

Or more correctly, a "glimpse of what happened after"
Reith slowly brought the ungainly craft out of hyperspace and into the vicinity of Earth's space...Reith surveyed his companions and wondered how the populace would treat them.
...some time later...
National Geographic have finished their study on the culture of Cath and found their practice of awaile to be "invigorating but not in the interests of our readers"

Time Magazine's reporter states..."the coloured symbology of the Lokhar people, while holding vast importance to ethnology, is redolent of Al Jolson and the entire Black and White Minstrel racist policies of old"

Galactic High Command Edict 232WW3 "The surgeon general has determined that consumption of human flesh by either
the Chasch or the Dirdir peoples is detrimental to their health and their development as a species."

Harper's Bazaar, Issue 333103 "Anacho has returned home from his triumphant lecture tour of the Southern Confederacies. Many people now have a fuller understanding of peer pressure, in regards to sexual alteration to ape one's masters. We hope Anacho's traumatic experiences teach all a lesson in humility."

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