Posted by Mike Shulver on February 20, 1997 at 00:19:46:
In Reply to: Palace of Love City of Chasch & Wyst:Alastor 1716 posted by Dom Ciocca, Jr. on January 08, 1997 at 02:08:11:
: Does anybody have the DAW paperback editions of "City of the Chash" "The Palace of Love" "Wyst:Alastor 1716" for sale or trade? I need them to complete my sets. Sale or trade. I have plenty of Vance amd other SF/Fantasy stuff to barter with. Please get in touch if you can help me out.
: Dom Ciocca, Jr.
Last Saturday afternoon there was a DAW paperback of City of the Chasch in Andromeda books in Birmingham UK.
Call Roger Peyton at
Andromeda Books
2-5 Suffolk Street, Birmingham B1 1LT, UK Tel +44 (0)121 643 1999, Fax +44 (0)0121 643 2001)