Shooting the messenger

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Posted by Martin G. on July 12, 1999 at 07:54:20:

So nice to see so many contributions from seekers after the truth.......
A pity they seem somewhat confused. Nick, I can't understand you any more; either you mean "labels mean nothing" (which is wrong - they indicate the user's attitudes) or you mean "Of course there is a single correct definition, both of capitalism, communism, socialism etc", which is deeply fascinating - do tell us, where are these single correct definitions to be found?
I am agog with excitement!
Telling me that I confuse the message with the messenger - tut, isn't this the pot calling the kettle black?
I stress again, I've nothing against controversial viewpoints, just against bigotry; but once people start being needlessly rude to others I get a tingle all over - time to reach for Whirr! Another Bungle Boy in sight!
I note that Gabriele Guenther a long while ago raised the issue of (overly) simplistic definitions - a point which you, Nick, seem to have passed over in silence.
As for your own confusion over my comments re religion -
let's get things straight:
- Freedom and social justice are NOT diametrically opposed things. Read "Lyonesse 2" and "Big Planet" for Vance's (presumed) views on that.
- Fans for any particular viewpoint should take into consideration that others who do not share it are not on that account necessarily wrong, evil or stupid.
- Nick, you missed (sadly) one more point completely. Vance is not a good candidate for proving any one world-view. Read the Cugel books and then "The Brave Free Men".
- Fan clubs are fine, in their own place, on a more or less mutually tolerant basis.
Time to save Private Vance from being used as a bible!
Especially for economics, that dismal "science".
No-one has anything aginst trying to explore Vance's ideas. But care and caution are more than indicated in such attempts.
An interesting point you raised about Steve Pinker: let's just hope he never reads "The Languages of Pao", otherwise he would get very rude about the strong Sapir-Whorf hypothesis there.

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