Posted by Martin Read on June 07, 1999 at 01:21:02:
In Reply to: "Doh!" (Homer Simpson) posted by Donna on June 05, 1999 at 01:28:32:
: Martin typed: "It seems a pity as the discussion board was developing a different, and complimentary, timbre from the one here. I was really getting into the "Spot a Vance etymology" threads!"
: Ack! I feel stupid but... What's etymology??
: Donna
I tend to get it confused with entomology which is the study of insects - but I am fairly sure etymology is the study of the origin and development of words. As JV calls a weapon in one of his books a "Vulgue" which is certainly derived from a real weapon called a voulge - a large blade mounted on a staff. That sort of thing.