Posted by Gan Uesli Starling on March 03, 1999 at 18:22:09:
In Reply to: Vance In How Many Languages? posted by Terry on March 02, 1999 at 08:17:25:
Don't forget Esperanto! I am soon to post a site of my translations, with Jack's permission. Just learning HTML. Have frameset and frames ready. Working to hand edit HTML 3.2 output from WordPerfect 8 to HTML 4.0. Half done sprucing up the 151 footnotes. Having to hand insert for the extended Latin 3 character set---which Windows does not support automatically. What a pain, but worth it. Next time, will output to *.txt from the Amiga, and directly edit for HTML, then re-edit to *.wpd and maybe *.ps for GhostScript. Unlike the pamphlet edition of last year, this site will be only in ISO 8859-3 (Latin 3) font sets. Not Shavian script. Will post message here after I FTP the site to the web. The Moon Moth is fully translated, but still in the Excellence! doc format on my old Amiga 2000, along with half of The Chateau d' If. Don't hold your breath, those will take quite a while. I'm thinking maybe a couple/three weeks for Joe to hit the web in Esperanto. It has been proofread by leading Esperantists, including the Chair for Oriental Languages at SFSU and the Chair for Semitic Languages at U. of Torino, Italy...and a few others. The other's still need proofing. It's not that much, really. But it seems to fit this I thought I'd throw it in. Toot my own horn and all.
The point is JV is my main reading hobby. And Esperanto is my main writing hobby. It's nice when you can combine the two. Many thanks to Jack & Norma for giving permission to a very bizarre request. I'm hoping to promote JV this way. There is a very high percentage of polyglots among Esperantists. If only a few of them get into Vance via my efforts, I'm hoping it will be the springboard for others to port his work over into their own cultures. Esperanto is very big in Bulgaria, Romania and the rest of Eastern Europe. There are even quite a few in mainland China. Let us hope...