Posted by Mike Berro on October 20, 1996 at 17:50:47:
I found this on the rec.arts.sf.written newsgroup:
In article <548vth$>, Richard Newsome
>Now that 1996 is 4/5 done, any opinions as to what the best sf novels
>published so far this year are and what's likely to be nominated for
>a Hugo next year?
It stands to reason that Nightlamp by Jack Vance will sweep the board.
It's magnificent: its plot is sweeping, its scale and grandeur are
powerful; its language is without blemish; it's funny and it's brooding;
its characters are variously devious, pedantic, heroic, self-doubting,
superconfident, supercompetent, capricious, vicious and fascinating. And
collectively they span the continuum of human morality. In short, as
soon as I can hold of a copy I shall read it.
Hugo? Any other choice would be perverse beyond belief.
Alan Bird Inventor & Sole Consumer of After-8 Mince