Posted by Sean M. Boomer on October 08, 1996 at 08:23:33:
In Reply to: Vance, Vapid ,and Education posted by Benjamin Ecthelion Aillec Tomas Seldon on October 01, 1996 at 00:36:56:
Dear Sir,
Reading your letter, I was struck by several things.
First, by your seeming misogyny. You describe women as being
"irrational", and the Vancian hero as essentially masculine.
Well, some of the most level headed people I've met are women,
not men. Furthermore, while many of Vance's heroes are men,
we must not forget the noble Suldrun and her persistence of character. I believe that, while Vance's characters are very much men and women, the chief qualities of his heroes - honour, courage, persistence in the face of near impossible odds, inventiveness, humanity - are common to the whole of mankind. This helps to make Vance a great writer. Incidentally, I know many female science fiction readers, and none other than equalist U.K. Le Guin has praised his work.
Secondly, by the hectoring quality of your message. I doubt, if you are as preachy and rambling in the classroom and in the staff room, that you will do anything but disuade people who might otherwise be interested in Vance's works.
Thirdly, I can't help but wonder whether you aren't excluding other authors in your teaching. You should remember that Jack Vance did not spring fully formed from the Mind of God. To fully appreciate his works, you have to understand them in the context of the rest of literature, especially the "classics", some of which no doubt influenced his writing.
Sorry if I seem to be cruel - I don't want to be.