Re: Poor Reviews and Misunderstandings - A counterview

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Posted by Mick Scannell on August 03, 1998 at 07:38:46:

In Reply to: Re: Poor Reviews and Misunderstandings - A counterview posted by Lyall Simmons on July 30, 1998 at 20:07:00:

"Tims comments are hardly "mean spirited and joyless"; the calibre and intelligence of most JV fans would hardly allow them to put aside any critical reasoning facility when reading his books".

Exactomundo, and it's a strange thing to my mind, because it's been my observation over the last couple of years that Vancians are extremely passionate about his work, but never become frothing-at-the-mouth zealots (usually found out there killing off USENET newsgroups) whenever someone posts a (to them) heretical opinion that some work or other of his is not as superbly brilliant as in the norm (Freak! Freak! Freak!). As such, reasoned and intellectual debate has been uncommonly common - at least on this BBS.

As for the meandering nature and seemingly-drifting plotline of PoC (loved by some, less so by others), could this be due to V's state of near-blindness resulting in him just writing and writing, with little review due to the difficulties of doing such a task? (even with the help of that HW and SW Vance has had set up). Any torts on the matter?

Best Regards,

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