Fantasy, but not *that* kind

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Posted by Terry on July 15, 1998 at 09:47:47:

In Reply to: jack vance mailing list posted by milt botwinick on July 10, 1998 at 09:55:27:

Mike the Steadfast and Ever Vigilant Berro,

Your caution is commendable. Being the excitable type, I got exercised over quantities of spam that used to flood my old AOL account with more than 75% of my total email. Even using AOL's most stringent filtering. My new Yahoo! account get zip now and I'm much more careful now about leaving my email address laying about.

Mostly it was sex/fantasy/xxx stuff, which it I swear I did not encourage. Really. It is just possible that fantasy has more than one meaning and it in the xxx sense that the automated BBS robots picked up and sold to the mass marketers. May the crass marketers spend an hour in hell wearing extra itchy yak wool long johns for every piece of junkmail they sent.

Bravo Mike for a great site! And thanks.

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