Re: Merchant Marine and Ports of Call

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Posted by Mick Scannell on June 03, 1998 at 06:42:46:

In Reply to: Re: Merchant Marine and Ports of Call posted by Diana Hamilton on May 18, 1998 at 18:51:37:

: Wow, I'm amazed to read these comments! For as I read the book,
: I had a something of an epiphany in this respect.

Ho ho, a right royal scam that was, and as you say the loss of a rouble was tiny in comparison to the intrinsic value of the anecdote! This reminded me that Vances heroes (particularly in 'Ports...' and 'Nightlamp' were routinely on their guard whenever they set foot in some foreign place against scam artists, pickpockets, and ne'er-do-wells in general (having lived abroad for some years and travelled widely myself I also adopt this prudent vigilance). I just wonder how many of such circumstances Vance has written about have actually occured to him.

As for the loving description and ingenuity of food in JV's work, I can only assume he's probably already summat of a raconteur and is familar with all matters cuisine-ular. No doubt a few years at sea in a rusting tub with only bully beef and tepid water for sustenance would make anybody wax lyrical over a couple of nanas and a kumquat!


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