Re: (spoiler!): About Ports of Call

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Posted by Diana Hamilton on March 30, 1998 at 10:36:37:

In Reply to: (spoiler!): About Ports of Call posted by Menno vd leden on March 29, 1998 at 03:54:20:

: Though -ofcourse- I really enjoy reading it, I somehow find myself looking for a main theme. The book consist of small moments that are nice in their way, but there is no real Quest, no suspence, like we are used in Vance's books.

Back when Ecce and Old Earth was still in the works, I seem remember reading somewhere (Underwood[/Miller?] newsletter?) that he was planning a book that was to be more like a collection of vignettes than a novel. So once the Cadwal Chronicles were done and Nightlamp appeared, I was surprised that it had a standard plot. Perhaps Ports of Call is the intended vignette book?

I haven't gotten it yet, but will soon. Now I'm looking forward to it even more- I enjoy the ambling moments in Vance's books, away from the urgency of moving a plot along. :)

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