Re: Vance 5 Favorites

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Posted by Richard Simms on March 25, 1998 at 11:25:59:

In Reply to: Vance 5 Favorites posted by Dom Ciocca, Jr. on March 30, 1997 at 07:33:08:

: Here, in alphabetical order, are my Vance 5 favorites: "The Book of Dreams" "Ecce and Old Earth" "The Face" "Wyst: Alastor 1716"

My five favourite Jack Vance novels are as follows (in no particular order) :-

The Face
The Green Pearl
Cugel's Saga
The Dirdir

I should also mention as a side note that the following hard to find short stories are well worth reading (I read them all recently in their original magazine form) :-

The Gift of Gab
Gateway to Strangeness
The Man From Zodiac
Meet Miss.Universe

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