Vance Space

"Vance Space" (chapbook). Author: Michael Andre-Driussi. Wordcount: circa 10k words.

Dimensions: 5.5" x 8.5", 52 pages, saddle stapled. Black and white cardstock (non-glossy) cover. Photocopied on 60 lb. paper. Centerfold map (Oikumene), back cover map (governments).

Price: $5 (plus postage: USA $1; International Air $3).

Sirius Fiction
POB 460430
San Francisco CA 94146 USA.

(CA residents only: add $0.41 per booklet for State Tax and please tell us which county you live in.)

Payment method: check or money order, payable to "Sirius Fiction." We cannot process credit card orders, sorry!

Subject matter: the science fiction planets of Jack Vance presented in travel guide form. E-mail: Michael Andre-Driussi is the book division of Sirius Fiction, so feel free to ask him (me) your questions.

Publishing date: December 1, 1997.

Other works by this author and publisher: LEXICON URTHUS (1994), hardcover;
"The Quick & Dirty Guide to the Long Sun Whorl" (1997) chapbook (out of print); "LS-1: Characters of the Long Sun Whorl" (1997) chapbook.